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Children are born with wonderful imaginations and a keen desire to explore the world. They have an inbuilt drive for discovery and behave like little scientists. Here's how you can help them hone those skills for a lifetime of successful learning.

Just the facts:

  • Infants and toddlers are testing their environment when they drop a toy or splash water–help encourage play as a voyage of discovery.
  • Don't get impatient when your child dawdles–be prepared to stop and examine anything that captures her interest.
  • The best way for children to learn is by doing things, not by being told about them. Hands-on experiences are key to development.
  • It’s important to spend time outdoors and make a point of narrating your world for your child. Foster respect for the environment from day one.

Teaching kids at their level:
Children are eager to observe and make "what if" discoveries about their world, but they don't necessarily see things the way adults do. As a parent, you can help them best by encouraging them to observe the world and to feel a sense of wonder for everything in it. The first step is to teach them at their level.